$249.00 USD

The Realignment

This work is critical in your manifestation journey as well as to the joy you experience along the way to your juiciest dreams and desires.

Everything is energy. Everything. Whether it’s a pile of laundry in the corner of your room, an inbox packed full of spam, a dusty treadmill or a relationship that always pulls you down. If we don’t regularly take care of the energetic clutter in our lives, how will we have the space to welcome in the desires we are manifesting? Similarly, if your life doesn’t feel in alignment with your best self — it makes it pretty darn hard for you to start showing up that way! 

Join us in this 8 week course that is sure to revolutionize your day to day life,  bring you greater happiness and  amplify your manifesting power!

This course is fully available now ON-DEMAND so you can choose to space out this work once a week over 8 weeks or really dive deep into it all over a weekend --- decide to move through in the way that feels most aligned with your life and your floe right now.

The eight weeks of modules, meditations and practices include realignment + conscious design of the following areas of your life: 

  1. Your Physical Environment 
  2. Your Technology Imprint 
  3. Your Well-being Rituals 
  4. Your Spiritual Connection 
  5. Your Relationships 
  6. Your Career and Creativity Space
  7. Your Financial Systems
  8. Your Leisure Experiences 


If you’re ready for this epic energetic house cleaning, vibrational realignment and manifesting power move — join us now and get started on your review and realign work right away!

Got questions? Email us at [email protected]